Coming from a SQL server background. I used to never worry about the backup and restore database. Since I have a legacy product needs to maintain, I have to move the postgresql databased from one AWS account to another. So let’s get straight into it.
For backup, you can backup it to sql or a gzip file.
backup to sqlPg_dump db_name > db_backup.sql Pg_dumpall > cluster_backup.sqlbackup to gzip
Pg_dump db_name | gzip > db_backup.gz Pg_dumpall | gzip > cluster_backup.gzRestore
pg_restore -v -h rds-postgres -U app_authentication_devint -d app_authentication *.dump --no-owner --role=app_authenticationCreate a database with default credential
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE app_authentication_devint TO app_authentication; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO app_authentication; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO app_authentication; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO app_authentication;Change user password
ALTER USER app_authentication_devint WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'password';